Wednesday, December 12, 2012

You Can’t Get A Better Posture By Trying Harder

Do you think your posture is poor? Have you tried a course of posture exercises to correct it? Most people would say they feel their posture could be better but why does it become poor and what is the best way to improve it?
Do you think your posture is poor? Have you tried a course of posture exercises to correct it? Most people would say they feel their posture could be better but why does it become poor and what is the best way to improve it?

Modern living means we probably are not as active as previous generations. We spend long hours sitting at desks, in cars or when relaxing, slumping in front of the TV. In these situations you are not using your muscles as nature originally intended. Parts of your body get overworked such as your neck and shoulders whilst others will get weaker, invariably the lower back. Poor posture has been recognized as a factor in health for years and is a major factor in many cases of neck, back and shoulder pain.

The conventional approach to addressing poor posture is exercise. However, this approach may be misguided as the focus on specific muscles for improving posture could affect your body's natural support reflexes and make matters worse.

Your body has built-in postural reflexes to coordinate muscular activity for support and movement. If your posture has deteriorated it is likely these reflexes are not being allowed to work properly. Stress may be causing you to stiffen your neck, tighten your shoulders and tense your lower back. These actions will override your natural mechanisms for balance and movement. Constant inappropriate use of these muscles will eventually corrupt how you move. It becomes a catch-22 problem. The more you move in a poor way, the better you get at moving this way until it feels right.

Whilst I appreciate the popularity of exercises to improve posture, including core stability routines, I believe they result in unnecessary tension in the body. Should we have to work core muscles individually to get our body to stand tall? Did nature intend this as the best way to stand?

In my role as a teacher of movement re-education I see many people who suffer from muscle pain as a result of poor posture. I also see just as many who are suffering as a result of their attempts to correct it! Adding a little extra tension in order to stand properly will not improve your posture - it just adds to the strain on your muscles and joints. Rather than trying to stand and sit in a way you feel is correct, you can learn how to remove the unnecessary stress in your body and allow your postural reflexes to work as nature intended.

So forget about posture and learn about Poise.

Poise is a lost skill from our youth. When you have poise you use far less effort and your body will support itself with ease allowing you to move, breathe and function more freely. Poise is evident in top athletes and performers. Think of Muhammad Ali or Fred Astaire in their prime and that gives you a great example of freedom in movement. I doubt if they used exercises to improve their posture!

Poise can only be regained by first taking out the tension in your body and appreciating the push you get from the ground. When you’re on top of the world and walk with a spring in your step, you’re poised. When you can sit at your desk and feel no tension in your neck, shoulders and back – you are poised. Trying to improve your posture by trying harder will take you further away from your natural poised state. So don’t try – let whatever is beneath you push up and think of letting go to sit, stand and walk taller and you will be on your way to a return to poise.

Get relief from back, neck & shoulder pain in just 7 seconds at . . .

Roy Palmer is a teacher of movement re-education and author of 7 Seconds to Pain Relief, secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain. He has helped back pain
sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

Why Is Conventional Medicine So Bad At Treating Back Pain?

Back pain treatment is a hotly debated topic. Every week you can read a least one research study that claims a popular, conventional treatment is ineffective. Even the most established treatments such as physical therapy do not escape the headlines. Only recently researchers at Warwick University (UK) found that one session just offering advice to back pain sufferers achieved the same results as six weeks of physiotherapy!
Back pain treatment is a hotly debated topic. Every week you can read a least one research study that claims a popular, conventional treatment is ineffective. Even the most established treatments such as physical therapy do not escape the headlines. Only recently researchers at Warwick University (UK) found that one session just offering advice to back pain sufferers achieved the same results as six weeks of physiotherapy!

Of course, conducting such a large study is difficult as there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration. What sort of treatment was given? What was the quality and experience of the therapists used? Did the subject all have the same cause of back pain? Did they carry out the exercises or advice as instructed?

This last question is the big one in my view. All courses of back pain treatment usually involve some sort of exercise or instruction on how to sit, stand or move to reduce the stress on the back. But are we capable of following this advice? Most therapists in conventional medicine make the assumption that we can.

However, if back pain is not due to a specific medical condition is it usually a muscular problem. The human body is perfectly capable of supporting itself with minimal muscular effort. Postural muscles are ‘designed’ to provide long periods of sustained activity to keep us upright and balanced. The phasic muscles (or movement muscles) are for short bursts of activity such as lifting your arm or turning your head. This is a bit of a simplification because all muscles provide a mixture of both functions but it will do for this example.
In my opinion, back pain and other muscular-skeletal problems can occur when we ‘misuse’ our body, or in other words use the wrong muscles to sit, stand and move. If we’re not moving correctly I our daily activities we’re going to do the same when trying to perform corrective exercises.

I see many people who tighten their lower back muscles to sit and stand up straight - these are the wrong muscles! They should not be active to keep you upright, this should be a function performed by muscles higher up that will balance your upper body on your spine.

So if someone suffering with their back is not ‘using’ themselves correctly how are they suddenly supposed to know how to use it right for exercising or trying to correct their posture? This is why I believe conventional back pain treatment does not offer the best solution.

Physical therapy, osteopathic, chiropractic and acupuncture treatments do get results and I recommend people to get a diagnosis and initial help from a qualified practitioner. In the short-term, manipulative treatment will help to get you moving and back onto your feet. However, I do not see these therapies as a long-term solution because they rarely get to the cause of ‘misuse’ and you could find yourself returning to your therapist on a regular basis.

If you are looking to address the cause of neck, back or shoulder pain you’ll need to go deeper. Your muscles are only doing what you tell them to do, but, and here is the big question, do you know what you are telling them to do? In place of exercise I believe a course of re-education will achieve far more by removing your bad habits that are causing your discomfort.

Get relief from back, neck & shoulder pain in just 7 seconds at . . .

Roy Palmer is a teacher of movement re-education and author of 7 Seconds to Pain Relief, secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain. He has helped back pain
sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

How To Choose An Ergonomic Office Chair

The average office worker will spend 7 hours a day at their desk. The wrong sitting position will put stresses on the spine that could lead to long term health problems.

The average office worker will spend 7 hours a day at their desk. The wrong sitting position will put stresses on the spine that could lead to long term health problems.

In addition to the health issues, your productivity will also be reduced if you are uncomfortable at your desk. Employees now recognize this problem and are now prepared to spend serious money on getting quality ergonomic seating and chairs for their people. However, if you select the wrong chair it will not help no matter how much you have spent.

What to look for in an ergonomic chair

·    Adjustable seat height

·    A good size seat

·    A backrest

·    Good padding on seat

·    Arm rests

·    Lumbar support

·    Easy to rotate

Desks and people come in many different sizes so ergonomic seating and chairs have to cater for the majority of variations. The height should be easy to adjust and have a good range of at least 40 - 53 centimeters from the floor to seat height. The depth and width of the seat should be sufficient to allow you to sit with your back in contact with the back support whilst leaving a space of approximately 8 centimeters between the back of your knees and the seat. If this distance is greater you could cause the muscles at the back of your leg to tighten. If the back of your knees are making contact with the seat you may impede your circulation.

It is essential to have good padding on the seat because you will be spending long hours on it! Arm and backrests allow for support which can prevent you from holding tension on your neck, shoulders and back - both rests should be adjustable.

Lumbar support is not as important as it was once considered. A good seat that supports your pelvis in conjunction with a good sitting posture virtually negates the need for lumber support. Having said this, it still can be a useful feature in ergonomic seating and chairs for when you are tired or under stress.

A rotating chair is definitely a must as most office workers will need to turn to get things from desk drawers of use PC and office equipment. This will help reduce stress on the lower back.

Get relief from back, neck & shoulder pain in just 7 seconds at . . .

Roy Palmer is a teacher of movement re-education and author of 7 Seconds to Pain Relief, secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain. He has helped back pain
sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

Computer Posture: Are You Making Work Harder Than it Should be?

Is your computer posture correct? Do you suffer from neck pain, a burning between your shoulder blades, lower back pain, headaches, digestive problems, breathing difficulties, eye strain ... the list goes on. All of the above could be related to how you sit at your PC for hours at a time every day, barely moving, eyes fixed on the screen with deadlines to meet.

Is your computer posture correct? Do you suffer from neck pain, a burning between your shoulder blades, lower back pain, headaches, digestive problems, breathing difficulties, eye strain ... the list goes on. All of the above could be related to how you sit at your PC for hours at a time every day, barely moving, eyes fixed on the screen with deadlines to meet.

If you have adjusted the position of your chair, computer screen and mouse but still find you suffer from the conditions mentioned above? You’re not alone and for good reason. Whilst you can easily re-arrange your furniture it is not so simple to follow the instructions aimed at the human elements, that is, your body.

Following advice on sitting correctly, such as, sitting straight with the shoulders back etc, is not as easy as it sounds. This is because the majority of adults have developed a poor body concept. What does this mean? We have lost the art of natural poise and movement through our sedentary lifestyles. Your computer posture is just one situation where it can go wrong.

I have taught many people about movement and posture over the last 12 years and one issue that usually comes up is the matter of sitting at a computer. Many make the mistake of trying to sit up too straight and tighten their lower backs, causing more harm than good. As soon as people learn not to try and sit up straight, they find it so much easier!

Early warning signs that should not be ignored.

Any discomfort experienced at your computer is a sign you are doing something wrong. You may not be too concerned if the aches and pains you associate with your work disappear at weekends. But prolonged periods (and we could be talking years) of sitting in a poor position will alter your posture gradually until you begin to suffer all the time.

More serious signs that require you to take instant action are tightness or numbness in your fingers, hands, wrists, elbows or shoulders. This could soon lead to upper limb disorders, also known as repetitive strain injury (RSI). This is a difficult condition to treat successfully and in a many cases the sufferer has to change job completely to one not involving computers - not an easy career move to make in today's hi-tech world!

If you experience any of the above symptoms, talk to your Occupational Health Advisor or visit your doctor.

The longer these conditions persist the harder it will be to treat.

So your computer posture can have a huge influence on not only how productive you are at work, whether you get aches or pains, but also your body shape! You probably don't want to look old before your time, but if you pay little attention to how you sit at your PC you could be rapidly attaining the stoop normally associated with old age.

Remember, you don't have to sit up straight with your chin in, shoulders back will only cause more problems in the long-term. Just allow your body to be poised and let the chair and floor support your weight and remember to take breaks away from you computer.

Get relief from back, neck & shoulder pain in just 7 seconds at . . .

Roy Palmer is a teacher of movement re-education and author of 7 Seconds to Pain Relief, secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain. He has helped back pain
sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

Are You The Cause Of Your Lower Back Pain

Although eighty percent of adults will suffer at some stage with lower back pain it still remains very much a mystery to the medical world. Are we missing something? Is the answer a little closer to home?
Although eighty percent of adults will suffer at some stage with lower back pain it still remains very much a mystery to the medical world. Are we missing something? Is the answer a little closer to home?

If you have had a medical examination for your lower back pain and no specific cause has been diagnosed what can you do? You may have been told that it is either ‘all in your mind’ or, worse still, be suspected of faking it to get time off work. The problem is that if medical tests cannot find a probable cause it is assumed there is nothing wrong with you. Now this isn’t much use to you is it!

The problem as I see it is that medical science does not yet recognize what could be a major factor in back pain. This factor, in my opinion, is that most adults, due to stress and the pressures of modern living, have lost ‘the art of natural movement’.

How often are we stuck behind a desk, the wheel of a car or clued to the couch in front of the TV? What is this doing to our backs? We all know that we should be more active but when we exercise can we move as freely and efficiently as we did as young children?

Has your doctor advised exercise? Yes it is true that activity is better than bed rest for your back, but how do you know if you are moving correctly? If posture and the way we move are a cause of lower back pain, are we not making it worse by using our bodies more vigorously?

I would suggest that before you start on an exercise program to help your lower back you should assess how you stand, sit, walk and run. If you can learn to reduce the unnecessary stress many of us place on our lower backs this can go a long way to resolving the problem for many sufferers.

One of the best ways to improve your lower back is muscle re-education to reduce the stresses and strains you unknowingly place upon your body. Learning how to use your body as nature intended can help eliminate or drastically reduce lower back pain. As a teacher of movement and posture re-education I see many people who, once shown a few simple ‘tricks’, are amazed at just how much unnecessary effort they have been using for even the easiest, everyday tasks. Once this has been removed they feel lighter, their movement is freer and the pain just melts away.

Get relief from back, neck & shoulder pain in just 7 seconds at . . .

Roy Palmer is a teacher of movement re-education and author of 7 Seconds to Pain Relief, secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain. He has helped back pain
sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

An Alternative Approach to Treating a Stiff Neck

A stiff neck is a condition that many will experience at some stage of their life. Stress, poor posture and injury are the most common causes. In the majority of cases the symptoms will ease with a gentle massage or a period of rest. However, for others a stiff neck becomes a daily concern leading to discomfort and inconvenience. If the condition persists it is advisable to get a thorough medical examination because a stiff neck may be the first sign of a serious illness.

A stiff neck is a condition that many will experience at some stage of their life. Stress, poor posture and injury are the most common causes. In the majority of cases the symptoms will ease with a gentle massage or a period of rest. However, for others a stiff neck becomes a daily concern leading to discomfort and inconvenience. If the condition persists it is advisable to get a thorough medical examination because a stiff neck may be the first sign of a serious illness.

If the stiffness is due to muscular tension the first course of action is generally painkillers. These should not be seen as a long-term solution as they will mask the problem and not address the cause. Massage, either self-administered, by a partner or professional, is another option. This does bring some much needed relief for the sufferer but again if the cause is not addressed this will only be temporary.

The most popular treatment is to prescribe neck exercises. The conventional view is muscle weakness or imbalance is the cause. Neck exercises will be given to the sufferer in an attempt to correct the perceived problem.

However, even this approach has its limitations and does not go far enough to address the root causes of a stiff neck. In my experience as teacher of movement and posture  the most useful course of action for a long-term sufferer is re-education. If there is a muscle imbalance or weakness, poor habits are usually the culprit. These habits can develop whilst compensating for an injury by holding the neck in the least painful position; long periods of sitting at desks or the common stress response of holding tension in the neck and shoulders. Once a habit is learnt it is difficult for the patient to do anything differently because the habit will feel right.

Exercises may make the condition worse because the patient will do the exercises with their poor habits. The best intentions of the therapist are undone once the patient returns home and performs the exercises unsupervised. Repetition of these exercises performed poorly will only re-enforce the bad habit.

Re-education involves taking the patient back the basics of movement. These movements will initially feel wrong because they are very different from their everyday feelings associated with turning their head or even just holding their neck. The tension has become a habit and they unknowingly hold this tension just to sit. Until the patient can relearn how their body can be naturally poised again all attempts to strengthen or rebalance muscles will complicate their existing habitual movement patterns.

In place of using exercise, a stiff neck sufferer can learn how to move and balance with less tension and condition their muscles by performing everyday tasks without the need to exercise. I have seen this approach work time and time again whilst conventional exercises have failed the individual.

Get relief from back, neck & shoulder pain in just 7 seconds at . . .

Roy Palmer is a teacher of movement re-education and author of 7 Seconds to Pain Relief, secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain.  He has helped back pain
sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

Friday, December 7, 2012

How to Become Healthy

Don't you think it's funny that now has come a time, where we actually need to do some research on how to become healthy? Ideally, our body is designed to take care of itself, and we are supposed to be healthy all the time. The only thing that has changed is the fact that now, we don't allow our body to look after itself.

"Some people are willing to pay the price and it's the same with staying healthy or eating healthy. There's some discipline involved. There's some sacrifices." ~ Mike Ditka

...Yes, there is discipline involved, discipline in letting your mind control your desires, and not the other way round! I am sure that the reason why you are reading this article is because somewhere within your heart you know that you don't feel as healthy as you should, right? Many of you may define 'healthy living' in different ways. Some of you refer to health as physical health, some refer to the mental peace and relaxed mind as health and so on. Well, when I say how to become healthy, I mean being healthy both in body and mind. A gradual change in lifestyle and thinking needs to be brought in order to achieve the dream to live a long and happy life.

How to Become a Healthy Person
All of you will agree to the fact that most of us were born healthy, except for some, but that's a different case altogether! The physical and mental ailments that we tend to suffer are nothing but the price we have paid to be a part of the modern lifestyle! Yes, our lifestyle which includes sleepless nights spent in office, odd hours to eat food, improper sleeping habits and the term 'party' which fills our body with smoke and alcohol! This is the life we live and health issues are just what we get in return! Having said that, striking a balance in how we live is extremely important! You need to make some changes, adapt new and healthy habits, and be exceptionally stubborn to stick with them!

Stop Sacrificing your Sleep
I honestly don't blame you for this, but then you'll have to stop compromising on your sleeping habits! You need to give proper rest to your body and mind which will only come from a good sound 8 hrs sleep. This will not only refresh your body and mind but also make you more active, relaxed and alert! Some tips for better sleep would be to leave caffeine and those so-called 'energy drinks'. If you want real health, sleep is all you need to have!

Divert your Thoughts to 'The Positive'
We all know that our mind controls our actions, and so does our thoughts, and this is why happy and optimists live longer and healthier! In this challenging and demanding world, we tend to focus more on the negative than on the positive! Believe it or not, the more negative thoughts you build in your mind, so will be the outcome of your efforts! So no matter what the situation is, you need to divert your thoughts and practice to focus on the positive. That's the key to stay healthy.

Enjoy Whatever You Do, Else Don't Do It!
God has given you the gift of life to enjoy yourself, but we on the other hand, instead of following our heart, follow our pockets! Believe it or not but it's true. Your heart wants to sleep but to earn more you have to work all night, your heart wants to go for a holiday but your pocket grants you no leave! Again, I am not blaming you for this as this is everybody's story! Enjoying life is possible when discipline comes into place. Learn to strike a balance and believe in yourself. Take your first step by start eating your food without distraction! Enjoy the flavors, bite and chew, and likewise, learn to enjoy what you do!

If you don't do this already, then you have no idea what you are depriving yourself of! Praying and meditating not only calms your mind, but it feels like you have taken off loads of burden from your heart. If you are religious, just light a candle at the altar and look at the light, just talk to God about everything that is bothering you, about things you are grateful for, about things that you want to share and so on. And the minute you have done that, the amount of relaxation and peace that you feel within, cannot be described in words. Meditation too has similar effects and rejuvenates your body and soul from within, giving you all the energy you need to face the world.

Spend Some Time in Solitude with Nature
Try to spend at least a minimum of 30 minutes in solitude with nature. Look at the birds chirping, the clouds forming beautifully, the sunrise, the sunset, the stars and the moon. You might think it's a waste of time and that you already know how it is. But there are many things in this world that we know about, that we see, the only problem is that we fail to feel them, which is more important than seeing them.

Laughter is the Best Medicine
Have you seen the group of old people in the park who form a round circle and start laughing as if they would win a million dollars for it! No matter how funny it seems, the benefits of laughter are way beyond our imagination! If you don't wanna do that, then the least you can do is not to miss the moments when life gives you a chance to smile, to laugh and to cherish. Never let the kid in you die. If you feel like smiling when you look at a beautiful thing, don't hesitate, just smile. If you have tripped and fallen, don't frown, just smile for something as silly at that to have happened. No matter what, stick that beautiful smile on your lips and make sure it always stays! :-)

Eat Healthy and Exercise
This is the most obvious, yet one of the most important ways of how to become healthy and fit. Eating healthy foods and balancing it with the right amount of exercise is extremely important. To follow this step you will have to make your self as stubborn as you can. You need to let go of junk, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, etc. Try to eat as much as fruits and vegetables as possible. Such food items make you feel light and active! Wake up early in the morning and start with a good stretch! A 30 minute walk or a run will not only make you physically healthy and active, but also make you more flexible and make your mind agile.

Life is a Journey, Not a Race!
I know we have been taught this right from our childhood! Trying hard to get good grades, prove yourself better than the rest, performing much better than the rest to get recognition and promotion. All this is good, but not at the cost of your happiness and mental peace. You need to do your best, without taking too much pressure on yourself. Trust me, too much pressure makes things worse, not only when it comes to health, but in general your attitude becomes very annoying and impatient. If you want to improve, challenge yourself and not the rest of the world. In short, live for things that give you health and wellness, and not for things that make you miserable!

Respect Yourself, Be the Person You Want to Be
The way you look upon yourself, is the way you look upon your life! It is very important for a person to have self-esteem, for it is your attitude that defines your life. No matter what you have done so far, it's the way you look upon yourself that matters! Picture how you want yourself to be and permanently stick that picture in your mind. Challenge yourself and constantly work towards becoming the person you want to be, rather than focusing on what you failed to become!

So these are some of the most important ways that will help you in how to become healthy and strong both in body and mind. Try to adapt your lifestyle into a healthy one and start incorporating the above mentioned daily health tips and advice in your life. There is nothing that can stop you from achieving anything in this world, but yourself! All the best for living a healthy and happy life! :)

How to Gain Lean Muscle

Getting lean muscle is easy, if you stick to the prescribed diet and exercise regime. Here are a few tips for gaining a slim body with just lean muscle.

Every fitness freak wants to be fit as a fiddle and have a superb lean body. No doubt, it is a tricky situation, but not an impossible one. Getting lean muscles takes real sweat and not popping pills. In order to gain lean muscle, do not down on your daily intake of nutrition. Every nutrient is essential to the body, if taken in the right proportions. Anything done in excess is harmful to the body, which includes both exercise and eating. This, article will guide you to build the body that you've always dreamed of.

Gaining lean muscle means losing weight. So those trying to gain weight, cannot develop a lean body. All the muscle building guides will tell you that you need to do more of cardiovascular exercises than weight training. Thus, doing exercises like running, jogging and walking are perfect for gaining lean muscles. Consult your fitness instructor and get a training program made according to your body. Because, if you over-work your muscles, they are likely to wear and tear. Stick to the plan made by your gym instructor for you. Do not try many plans in one go.

Diet for Gaining Lean Muscles

Most weight loss always harp on the point of counting calories. If you consume a lot of calories, putting on weight and bulking up will be easy. But that's not the aim. So watching and counting your calories is the only way of gaining lean muscles. Ideally, your meal must consist of 60% carbohydrates, 20% proteins and 20% fats. Break down your meal into 4-5 parts. Choose healthy fat against harmful fat. People always mistake the kind of fat they consume. Healthy fat consists of nuts, avocados and cold-water fish. If you are performing intensive workouts then, you have to consume about 40-100g of fat everyday. If this kind of healthy fat is not possible, then you must try the healthy fatty supplements.

Food Items to be Avoided

Unhealthy fatty food items are a strict no-no. Sodas, cheese burgers, anything fried and basically everything that is junk should be avoided. Eating too much in one go isn't a recommended meal either. So eat every 2-3 hours.

Important Exercises

There are no short cuts. Only if you are a hard gainer, bother about gaining lean muscles, otherwise it is a waste of time, money and effort.

Ab training is of prime importance while shedding the pounds and gaining the lean look. To get those ripped six pack abs. Sit-ups and crunches are the best of getting the coveted abs. So intensify your abs training, to lose the flab on your tummy.

Shoulder and arm training is required to get the lean muscles. Surely, you don't want the lose fat on your arms dangling! Build it up with some shoulder presses.

Stretching is a must. Stretching teaches your body to hold the loose muscles in one position. For yoga exercises and yoga poses are the best muscle building routines. Yoga not only helps you lose weight, but also improves your metabolism.

One of the most important ingredients for getting muscle is drinking a lot of water. As you exercise a lot, your body loses a lot of water. Thus to replenish those lost water reserves, you have to drink a lot of water. Hopefully, this article will help you get the body you've always wanted. Do send in your feedback! Stay fit!

Resistance Training for Women

Resistance training for women has been proven to play a very important role in keeping women fit and active in their day-to-day lives...
Although exercising and trying to get rid of the extra weight is crucial for everyone, women seem to have a tougher time with the working out part than men. This does not mean that women do not try their best to achieve the topmost level of fitness. It simply means that they are not working out in the way the exercises are actually to be done. There are a lot of women who have not totally understood the concept of resistance training, also known as strength training, and the way it helps the body to maintain fitness.

Resistance Training for Women

The fundamental method in which this works is that it causes a drastic change in the body, by overloading the muscles and stimulating the muscles to grow, which eventually coerces the muscles to respond and undergo the expected development. Regular and coherent training increases muscle mass. A lot of women have a misconception that if the muscle mass adds up, the body weight also increases. However, increased muscle mass does not mean that the body would become fat or bulky. It simply means that the muscle mass would be added to tone the body in the correct manner and make it fit.
As muscles take less space than fat, you would surely have a well-toned physique. A good illustration is, if the fat present in the upper arm is substituted by muscle, the upper arm would get smaller. Due to the effectiveness of these programs, they are being opted for by a lot of women who want a well-toned body. These exercise programs comprise several specialized equipment, such as resistance bands, free weights, weight apparatus, and many other kinds of advanced tools.


According to fitness professionals, there are several advantages of resistance training for women. The training aids in strengthening the bones, which reduces the chances of osteoporosis. Along with the training routine, you also need to be on a diet which includes foods rich in calcium. It also plays a very significant role in maintaining the sugar level in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes. It even decreases the level of Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL) and increases the level of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), which largely contributes in reducing the possibility of heart diseases.

This not only develops new muscles, but also fortifies your joint muscles, thereby reducing the risk of lower back pain and arthritis. There are many researches which prove that resistance training certainly increases stamina and ability to carry out physical work effortlessly. There are many professionals who strongly recommend this training for women who are engaged in sporting activities. The training is also believed to reduce the level of stress and promote better sleep. To reap all these benefits, along with the workouts, you also need to have a healthy diet. With a 30-minute workout everyday, the effects can be seen in just a few weeks.

Before starting out with training on a daily basis, it is highly recommended to consult with your personal fitness training professional or any other fitness expert. Muscle stretching and a good warm-up is necessary before starting out with the workouts. Moreover, it is also suggested to carry out the exercises in supervision of a trainer, just to prevent any type of injury.
We Recommended This Course: Get Lean Program

Benefits of Strength Training for Women

Many women shy away from strength training, but it can hold many important benefits.
Some women prefer not to do strength training when they go to the gym. Many believe that strength training will make them bulk up and look like body builders, and they prefer to keep their shape slim and trim.
Others prefer to do hours of cardio training, thinking that this burns more calories and will therefore make them lose weight faster. Whatever the reason, you don't see a whole lot of women hitting the weights at the gym. According to research, though, strength training can be essential to women’s health, and to attaining that slim, toned body everyone wants.

What is strength training?

Strength training is simply using weights as part of an exercise routine. This can mean using the dumbbells and other free weights in the weight room, or using the weight machines that control your range of motion. Another great way to get strength training in a workout is to do circuit training, where you do a specific exercise for a few minutes and then move to another exercise. Moves like push-ups and sit-ups are also considered strength training exercises.

Myths and Realities

Many women do not like to incorporate strength training into their workout routine because they fear that lifting weights will make them look masculine and make their muscles bulky. This couldn't be further than the truth. Women don't have as much testosterone as men in their bodies, and that means that they physically cannot build up as much muscle as men can. 
Another myth that keeps women from strength training properly is that, if women do lift weights, they should be light weights and they shouldn't train very hard. This is also untrue.

Again, due to the lack of testosterone, building muscle with heavy weights will not add to a bulky appearance. Finally, many women believe that, if they start strength training, see some results, and then stop, that the muscle they have built up will turn to fat. The truth is that muscle doesn't turn to fat. That is physically impossible. Of course, if you stop a weight training routine, you will probably see a drop in muscle tone. This is only natural. If you don't use the muscles, you lose them, but they are not turning into fat.

Benefits for Women

Strength training can be extremely beneficial, especially for women. It can increase bone density, which helps fight against osteoporosis - a disease that can make bones brittle later in life. Lifting weights can also help increase your metabolism, which can help you burn those calories faster. Having muscle mass increases the amount of calories you burn during a day. This is very important if you are trying to lose weight. In the same vein, of course, increased muscle mass can give you that toned look you want from going to the gym. 
Lifting weights can also help prevent injury by strengthening muscles and decreasing the risk of pulling or tearing a muscle. It can also increase your balance, which can help prevent injury due to falling over. Furthermore, if you have already been injured, strength training can help rehabilitate your injured muscle. Building strength around an injury is the best way to ensure that the muscle builds back up again and can be used normally after an injury.
 We Recommended This Course: 7 Minutes Body

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Yoga For Pregnant Women

Yoga is a gentle practice that is very crucial to pregnant girls considering that it leads to healthy growth and progress of the baby.Yoga for pregnant women is a good physical exercise since it reduces pregnancy discomforts, encourages a comfortable position favorable for the growing baby.
Yoga is a gentle practice that is very crucial to pregnant girls considering that it leads to healthy growth and progress of the baby.Yoga for pregnant women is a good physical exercise since it reduces pregnancy discomforts, encourages a comfortable position favorable for the growing baby.Yoga for pregnant women helps delivery because the pregnant mother is taught how to breathe and relax at childbirth.

It also helps reduce blood pressure, increases lymph flow and encourages good blood circulation.Yoga for pregnant women increases mother's sleep, decreases stress and reduces anxiety, reduces headaches and breath shortness.

Yoga for pregnant women is helpful considering it helps control and govern mood swings, this is necessary considering that it helps so much to strengthen the bond amongst the mom and her child. Most females join yoga to control prevalent dilemmas such as insomnia, fatigue, digestive difficultys, back pain and many other difficultys.Benefits of Yoga for pregnant women.

1. Yoga helps improve body circulation; this is mainly in terms of h2o retention in the body and blood circulation.

2. Yoga
is an necessary workout in pregnant women considering it increases balance. Many girls come across a issue in balancing when pregnant thus when they practice yoga this dilemma is countered. It is critical to note that pregnant women are suggested to avoid hard balancing postures to avoid falling over. 

3. Yoga
helps stretch the body in all the possible directions and regions thus helps pregnant women to work with the shift in body mass and excess weight which causes many girls to endure from back pain and sore hips. This also helps get the body back to shape after delivery.

4. Yoga helps pregnant women to learn how to breathe so as to calm the body. This helps them to deal with emotions close to the changing body setting. Regulated breathing helps calm the mind thus bring a sense of peace. Breath work helps it much easier during delivery since the breathing practice during difficult postures prepares them for breathing during Labor and childbirth.

5. Yoga works on the hips, pelvic alignment and leg area thus making them more flexible, most ladies who have practiced yoga have found it easier during delivery.

6. Yoga strengthens the abdominal muscles thus helps re-tone belly muscles after they have stretched thus helps hold the baby. This also helps make it much easier to push the baby through the birth canal during childbirth.

7. Yoga
helps strengthen the pelvic floor. Many mothers lack bladder control after delivery but after joining yoga methods they recover from this issue faster and less complicated.

In conclusion yoga is very important both for the mother and child thus have proven to be a good and beneficial exercise

We Recommended This Course: Pregnancy Yoga Classes Online

Know All about Women's Health Fitness

According to Fresno OBGYN, women's health is very unique and hence it requires lot of care and maintenance. There are various factors which are basically responsible for a healthy and fit body. Be it nutrition requirements, weight lifting, cardio training etc and all these things are indeed necessary for a healthy body.

According to Fresno OBGYN, women's health is very unique and hence itrequires lot ofcare andmaintenance. There are various factors which are basically responsible for a healthy and fit body. Be it nutrition requirements, weight lifting, cardio training etc and all these things are indeed necessary for a healthy body. So staying healthy is indeed one of the most important requirements and we all should take it seriously because it is rightly said by somebody that staying healthy in very simple terms is as important as staying alive as a matter of fact. And life comes to an end and also losses its charm if an individual is not physically and mentally fit.

The Fresno Gynecologist advises all her patients to take right and balanced amount of food, which has all the essential supplements in it, in order to avoid any kind of complication that might arise at the time of pregnancy. Vitamins and the other supplements form an important part of your diet. But the results of some of the important research studies have revealed the fact that an average person does not actually get the right amount of essential supplements. Hence more awareness should be created towards this fact. Women need to take the right amount of calcium so as to prevent the condition of Osteoporosis. If a woman does not get the right amount of calcium then there are chances that the bone density of women decreases with age.

According to the studies conducted by women's health care department, every one of us should make it a point to take out some time for physical activities. Or if possible you should also try Yoga, Pilates and other such exercises as they are extremely beneficial for heath, because exercise will not only burn your fat,  but it will also keep your mind healthy and sharp and also it will reduce all the chances of cardiac disease. Exercise is indeed a must requirement and doing the exercise regularly definitely requires lot of dedication, determination and discipline for sure.

As per Fresno women's doctor, you should not be in stress all the time as it is not good for your health .You should take out some time for yourself, to relax and if you have enough of time, you should go to the parlor, treat yourself to a massage and pamper yourself. Basically in order to stay happy, you should do things which you like, which you enjoy doing. But you should make sure that you sleep for at least 6 hours every night. If you get the right sleep, you will yourself feel healthy and fit. Water is also important for healthy living. Because water helps in removing the harmful toxins from the body through urine and sweat and it also helps in keeping the headaches away. You should keep drinking water as it will keep you fit, fresh and you will also have a glowing skin. Water has many benefits, hence you all should make sure that you  should drink sufficient quantity of water in a day in order to keep yourself healthy.

 We Recommended This Course: Yeast Infection No More

Natural Remedies lead to a decrease in patients at clinics and hospitals

The life that people lead in metropolitan cities is very quick and fast paced. In this ‘race’ to lead a better life, people often do not take care of their health and with increasing pollution, people suffer from cough and sometimes these allopathy medicines do not work and what really works its magic is the Cough Home Remedy.
Due to less or ‘no time’ people often for problems like cough self-medicate themselves which does not really work because of which there could be side effects but what works all the time are Natural Remedies. Natural remedies are completely fool proof and people can put in their entire trust in these and use them and see an accurate result. With the use of these home remedies, the relapse is a rarity.

Cod Liver Oil has been a great find in the field of medicine. Its nature is such that researchers till today are amazed with the increasing discovery about the uses of this oil. It is one of the best cures to the problem of cough and cold. A set of viruses going by the name of rhino-viruses are the reason for the problem of cough, these affect the cells that are in the lining of the nose and then these rogue cells multiply. The oil consists of components like Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Omega 3 and fatty acids like EPA and DHA.

This oil is indeed a good Cough Home Remedy, its component Omega 3 eradicates Rhino-viruses whereas Vitamin A ensures that the human body is in a good condition and gives a boost to the immune system. Due to the use of this oil, people have experienced a never ending relief and some who took the oil as a form of treatment have also not had a relapse of cough which is indeed very annoying and is a source of great discomfort.

The best part about using this oil is that it is easily available in the form of a capsule, while forming it into a capsuleFeature Articles, it is taken out of its crude form but precaution is maintained that there is no interference with the healing properties. The use of this oil as a medicine is the best example of the amalgamation of technology and medicine.

The use of such Home remedies has ensured that people do not spend exorbitant money on health as the cost of treatment is skyrocketing and this is not advisable for people who earn a meager income and have to survive on bare minimum. Home remedies have also brought out the side effects that allopathy medicines can cause also exposing that the treatment is not often fool proof and can also lead to adverse effects with the constant dosage of medicines.

The home remedies are completely natural unlike the Allopathy medicines that are chemicals due to which they react with the substances in our body and complicate the situation. Home remedies also ensure with their success that people do not indulge in self-medication with allopathy medicines.

 we recommended this course: The Magic Natural Remedy

Natural Remedies for Fighting Acne

If you have acne, it's possible that like many people, you put your sole focus on it as if it were the only skin care issue that is important Mostly, though, acne is something that is going to go away sooner or later. Meanwhile, you'll have to live with your skin your entire life. You should keep your skin as healthy as you can while you battle your acne problem. Keep reading because we'll discuss a number of ways of accomplishing this.
If you have acne, it's possible that like many people, you put your sole focus on it as if it were the only skin care issue that is important Mostly, though, acne is something that is going to go away sooner or later. Meanwhile, you'll have to live with your skin your entire life. You should keep your skin as healthy as you can while you battle your acne problem. Keep reading because we'll discuss a number of ways of accomplishing this.

You may have tried certain products that are called acne soaps. If you haven't, you may be wanting to know if acne soaps are something you should try for your acne problem. Washing your face is important when you have acne, but it's equally important to be gentle. Avoid scrubbing your face hard or vigorously because that will only irritate your skin and worsen your acne problem.

Sulfur-based soaps are available and they can help treat acne and make the pimples go away. However, you're going to have to try the acne soaps yourself to know which one helps your skin the best. When washing your face gently with acne soap, make sure you do this no more than twice a day daily. If something in the soap causes your skin to react adversely, don't use the soap anymore and if possible, figure out what it is in the soap that your skin doesn't agree with.

Some acne remedies are very simple, and made from everyday ingredients you probably have at home already.

Ordinary toothpaste, for example can be used for eliminating acne. If this remedy is something you've never tried before, know that many people have found it to be an effective way to get rid of their acne. At night before you go to bed, put a little bit of toothpaste on your pimples. The next morning, you'll notice that your pimples have gotten smaller. Be careful, though, because there are those whose skin are too sensitive that toothpaste can irritate them. If your skin doesn't react well with the toothpaste, you should use a different acne remedy.

For some individuals, their diet is a contributing factor in their acne problem. If you've got dairy sensitivity, for instance, it would be best if you avoid dairy products when you've got acne. You'll want to cut back on consuming cream, milk, and cheese, although the occasional milk in your coffee or cereal might be fine. Moreover, some nutritionists say that acne can get worse with the consumption of high sugar, processed, and greasy foods. 

Although this is still being hotly debated within the medical circles, it's a known fact that processed, greasy, and high sugar foods are unhealthy foods. You won't lose anything by reducing your consumption of these foods just to see if doing so will clear up your acne. Taking care of your skin is not an easy thing to do, especially when you have acne that you are trying to get rid of. In some casesComputer Technology Articles, the rest of your skin may experience adverse effects from using acne treatment products. So you have to be especially conscientious about cleaning and moisturizing your skin during this time. This way your skin will remain healthy overall as you try to battle acne.

we recommended this course: OverNight Acne Cures

Beauty Tips for Women

A lot of women show signs of early aging because of a stressful life and unhealthy eating habits

A lot of women show signs of early aging because of a stressful life and unhealthy eating habits. One of the best things to do to keep from premature aging is to take care of the skin, which is the first thing that a second person notices about you. Below mentioned are some beauty tips for women.

Wash the Face regularly Make sure you wash your face at least twice a day using a cleanser that is specially made for your skin type. If you do not know your skin type, opt for an aloe-vera based cleanser because aloe vera goes for every skin type. Make sure that you do not cleanse too often and that you wash your face with water that is neither too hot nor too cold. Using either of these can lead to broken capillaries.

Exfoliate Regularly This goes without saying. Exfoliation is important for the skin as it helps dead skin cells to break down revealing fresh skin. Exfoliate at least once or twice per week or if you cannot, try cleansing more often.

[Read : Beauty Tips]
Moisturise every day Moisturising the skin is rather quintessential for a woman of any skin type if she wants to have glowing skin all year long. The skin gets dry especially in winter and should therefore, be moisturised every day. In winter, you must massage your body twice or thrice a week with a moisturiser.

Block the Sun Sunscreen is an important component in one’s skin care regimen and must be used 20 minutes before stepping outdoors. Wrinkles being the number one sign of ageing are caused by exposure to sun. Therefore, it is important that you start using a sunscreen right from today to look beautiful a few years from now. Do not forget a sunscreen in the winter even if it doesn’t seem important.

Protect the Lips Chapped lips are a person’s worst nightmares. Not only do they hurt a lot but also don’t look good. Chapped lips are especially noticeable in winter. Apply a lip balm or oil on the lips so that they don’t get chapped out.

The Steam Facial A humidifier helps regain the softness of the skin. Whenever the skin becomes dry, use a humidifier and with a towel over your headFree Reprint Articles, inhale the steam for about 8 minutes. Do not wipe your face with a towel even if it sweats too much.

we recommended this course: 1001 Forever Beauty Tips (Special Offer)

Finding the Perfect Eyeglasses Clinic

If you are someone who plans to buy a new house but is not equipped with the necessary financial resources to bring such dream into reality, you definitely have a number of options that can be considered.
It is inevitable that there are people who obviously have a higher level of concern for the overall health of their body compared to the others. For instance, while there are people who would consider going regularly to a professional in the field of health and medicine to have their eyes checked, there are some who would not even bother to do so. This is because of the belief that as long as they can see things the way they are, there is definitely not any problem with their vision. However, this is not often the case. There are instances wherein you cannot notice that something is already wrong, when in fact you might be already experiencing a serious eye problem. In this case, one good solution would be to be more cautious about your health. You should, from time to time, consult with medical professionals in order to know the state of your overall health. One thing that you can do is to look for eye glasses clinic.

There is an abundance of professional services in the field of eye care that can be given consideration when you are looking for a way to have your vision checked. However, before looking for an eye doctor to check or treat your condition, there are several things that should be taken into consideration.

One of the most important things to do is to ask your friends, family, officemates, or anyone else you know if they are aware of any optometrist around the area. You should also ask if they have visited one before, and if they did, to whom they had the consultation. This will allow you to narrow down your choices and will increase the possibility that you will end up with a clinic that will make you satisfied with their optometry services.

Another thing that could help would be searching for a local listing if all the available optometry clinics in the area. You can see them from local newspapers, or even from local advertisements such as flyers distributed at malls.

The internet can also prove to be helpful. Simply type the keyword on the search box and you will be provided with an endless list of option. Just remember that you should type your specific location. For instance, if you are from San Jose, you should type “optometry clinics San Jose”, as this will narrow down the possible options to only those that are located within your area.

If you have you doctor for general health, you can also ask his or her recommendation with regards to an eye specialist. Asking for your doctor’s recommendation will prove to be helpful, because most likely, your doctor will have a friend in the field if optometry. Who knows, you might be even given discounts for the optometry services because of the referral.

Taking care of your eyes, like any other part of your body, is essential. It is not enough that you just do your daily routine in protecting your eyes against harmful elements. Even if you are not experiencing any problem with eyesightFind Article, it would be good if you will consult with an optometry from time to time to be sure that your vision will be clear even after several years.
 we recommended this course: Rediscover Your Vision 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to Maximize Brain Energy

I recently received an email from our electric company offering an “Energy Efficiency Kit” Obviously, everyone is concerned about saving energy However, we rarely think about conserving *brain* energy...

I recently received an email from our electric company offering an “Energy Efficiency Kit.” Obviously, everyone is concerned about saving energy! However, we rarely think about conserving *brain* energy.

Just like every appliance in your home, however, your brain is an electrical organ. So, let’s talk about some ways you can give your brain –and your students’ brains- a “five star” energy rating.

Dr. Russell Barkley, a Research Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the State University of New York Upstate Medical University (SUNY Upstate) shared what he calls “7 Keys to Executive Function.” In other words…


1. Externalize important information at key points of performance. In other words, “Get it out of your head!” For example, take notes. Make lists. Record tasks in a planner or calendar. Write reminders on post-it notes. For students, we first need to teach them the importance of writing things down so they don’t waste valuable brain energy holding information in memory. Then, we need to teach them efficient systems for writing these things down. (See #7.)

2. Externalize time periods related to tasks and deadlines. Conserve valuable brain energy by NOT letting your brain manage time. Instead, write down deadlines. Use electronic reminders. Set a timer while working on a project, doing homework, or trying to get your family out of the house. (The #1 reason for crazy mornings is that only one person is managing the time…you! Let a timer assume that responsibility! It will make you less of a nag, too!)

3. Break up lengthy tasks into many small steps. As adults, we know the benefits of breaking large tasks into small steps. Students, however, need support with this. Teachers can break large projects into smaller sections, each with individual due dates. Parents can facilitate this process with nightly homework, challenging students to finish small chunks of work at a time. Then, take a Brain Break (see #6).

4. Externalize sources of motivation. Some people believe all motivation should come “from within.” I agree with that notion…in an ideal world. In the real world, however, we all appreciate some outside motivation. Perhaps it’s extra media time, an extra Brain Break, a special sticker, or points towards a fun outing with mom or dad. Two weeks ago, I trudged through a major project only by promising myself a trip to my local creperie. (Shh! Don’t tell anyone. You’re not supposed to bribe yourself with food!)

5. Externalize mental problem-solving. Get it out of your head! (Oh wait, I said that already.) For adults, this means…make “pro and con” lists. Draw maps and diagrams of information you know. I created a chart for parents called “How to Make Decisions for Your Child” that is designed for this sole purpose…getting important facts and feelings on paper and OUT OF YOUR HEAD.

For students, this means they should write down facts. Draw diagrams. Put information on index cards and rearrange them into a logical order.

For students with ADHD, dyslexia, or any working memory challenges, this may also mean that math fact fluency may never happen. Dr. Barkley said, “Fluency is impossible.” Instead, use marbles, number lines, or (gasp!)…calculators. “Fluency” is a biological impossibility for students with these challenges. Dr. Barkley made the point that if a child was missing a leg, we would encourage him to use a prosthetic leg. Calculators, marbles, and number lines are “prostheses” for an ADHD and/or dyslexic brain.

6. Replenish the “brain’s” fuel tank. When your computer gets sluggish, what do you do? You shut it down…then immediately restart it. Under normal circumstances, it doesn’t take long for your computer to return to normal. The same is true for your brain! Here is a list of some quick tips for replenishing the brain’s power supply:

- Encourage positive emotions and rewards.
- Use positive self-talk.

- Take frequent breaks. Elementary students need a three-minute break every ten minutes! Easier said than done, but this is the optimal ratio for maximizing brain power. Some great three-minute breaks include: movement, deep breathing, visualization…or simply pausing from a high-concentration task (unless the child is in “flow” and high concentration is comfortable at that specific time).

- Exercise. Aerobic activity, of any duration, not only replenishes the fuel tank, it expands its capacity!

- Visualize goals. Use imagery, or real pictures, as a source of relaxation and motivation.

- Sip on lemonade. The brain needs glucose to operate at full capacity. Sipping (not gulping) on lemonade or a sports drink is a great source of glucose. (This recommendation comes directly from Dr. Barkley. If you are not a fan of sugar, don’t yell at me! “Everything in moderation.”)

- Use music. Baroque music is great to promote concentration. Hip-hop music can be used to inspire energy at transition points. Likewise, “spa music” can be used to inspire calm reflection and relaxation…depending on specific times and transitions.

7. Repeat to the point of “automaticity.” Turning tasks into efficient systems allows them to become “second nature.” When something becomes “second nature,” brain scans show that the entire frontal lobe of the brain goes dark!

In other words, as soon as something becomes automatic, it requires less than 50% of the brain power that it did before!

Can you guess what helps students reach automaticity? Yes, that’s right…study skills! Not just *any* set of study skills. Most strategies that typically fall under the umbrella of “study skills” are extremely complicated and time-consuming. SOAR Study Skills, however, is a system specifically developed to maximize efficiency.

Our strategies have always been built on our three criteria for “student-friendlines;” they are effective, efficient, and apply across content areas so students know when to use them. If SOAR was an appliance, it would definitely receive a 5-Star Energy Efficient Rating!

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Friday, November 30, 2012

5 Tips on How to Get Rid of Back Pain

Back pain can be very bothersome at times and, if not treated properly, it can worsen over time As a matter of fact, back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit their healthcare provider - fortunately, it can be easily cured with healthy, balanced diet and correct posture Here you will find 5 essential tips on how to get rid of back pain

Back pain can be very bothersome at times and, if not treated properly, it can worsen over time. As a matter of fact, back pain is one of the most common reasons why people visit their healthcare provider - fortunately, it can be easily cured with healthy, balanced diet and correct posture. Here you will find 5 essential tips on how to get rid of back pain:

1. Address Bad Posture
Bad posture and the lack of back support are two of the main causes of back pain, since poor posture stresses your spine and adds pressure to your back muscles. If you adopt a correct posture, you will not only cure back pain, but you will also prevent it in the long run. Bad posture is not only the main culprit behind back pain, but it can also cause headaches, neck pain and joint problems.

In a nutshell, it is essential to keep every part of your body in perfect alignment with the neighboring parts. When you need to change your posture, make sure you do it smoothly and without any sudden movements, to avoid injuries.

However, it must be mentioned that bad posture does not occur only when you are sitting on your office chair - it can also appear when you brush your teeth and you lean over the sink incorrectly, or when you are cooking and you maintain poor posture in the kitchen. When it comes to curing back pain, maintaining the correct amount of curvature in your back is of utmost importance.

2. Provide Efficient Back Support
As stated above, the lack of back support can also lead to back pain, sooner or later. This is why it is essential buy an ergonomic chair that will provide proper support throughout the day, especially if you have an office job that requires a lot of computer work. The ergonomic chair will not only provide support, but it can also be a lot more comfortable and you will not experience muscle or joint pain anymore.

3. Become More Flexible
This is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects that you need to take into consideration. Generally speaking, back pain occurs when people lack flexibility - by increasing you flexibility, you will automatically put equal pressure on your body, without stressing particular muscles or your joints. Stretches, leg extensions, head turns or arm and joint circles are only some of the exercises that improve flexibility and reduce back pain.

4. Watch Your Diet
Few people know that back pain and diet are closely related. Food is our body's fuel, and we need to provide it with high-quality nutrients in order to function properly, otherwise the muscles and joints are prone to injuries. Foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins (also known as "Power Foods") are absolutely essential for a healthy body, this is why it is recommended to increase your daily intake of fruits, vegetables and whole-wheat breads to prevent back pain.

Reduce the intake of soft drinks, candy bars, cookies and basically any other sweets that will make you feel tired. Sugar is known to be a real energy waster, this is why you must avoid sugary products. Moreover, eliminate foods that are high in fat, and focus on oily fish and olive oil (which provide healthy fats along with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids).

5. Foods For Back Pain
Tissue inflammation is one of the underlying causes of back pain. You can easily treat inflammation with the correct diet, without having to use medication. Increase your intake of whole fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, blueberries, walnuts, fresh juices, fish oil and soy proteins. These fruits are known to reduce pain and inflammation, and they are considered to be the natural back pain cure.

To summarize, it is essential to maintain good posture, to provide your back with proper support and to watch your diet. There are foods that can worsen your back pain, and there are other foods that can relieve it by reducing inflammation. Focus on the above-mentioned hints and you can cure back pain naturally and effortlessly.

we recommended this course: 7 Seconds Pain Relief