Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Proper Elimination

When life began for us, our system was clean and efficient in the way that it processed what we ate. As we entered our teens and our hormones started kicking in, the way that our digestive system reacted to the foods we consumed changed. As we pass our teens and enter into adulthood our enzyme production changes. And as we enter every stage of life the way that our body reacts to food changes. Doesn't it make sense that our eating habits should also change. Has it? If you're like 99% of Americans, the answers is, no.
You see, each time our body goes through a change, no matter how big of small, the consistency and the concentration of enzymes in our systems also change. Meaning that we must either change the way that we eat, or continuously clean out our digestive tracts. The latter is much easier! Changing the way that we eat would entail: first monitoring our cyclical tendencies, to show when we needed to change, and then testing out how different foods affected us. By the time that we tested out all of the foods thoroughly enough, our body's would most likely have entered into another stage, and it would be time to start the whole process over again. Rather than going through all that, you could easily keep your digestive system clean by fasting once per week.
When the human body is given the wrong foods on a regular basis it tends to build up matter on the walls of it's colon and lower bowels. If this matter is allowed to remain - it ferments. This fermentation causes smells to emanate either from the skin or the mouth. This matter is responsible for something even worse than fermentation, it is the main cause of any blockage in the bowels. This blockage can, at it's worst case, cause illness and eventually death.
Throughout the years, this matter forms layers which are virtually glued to the walls of your digestive tract, the longer they are left alone, the higher up they can venture. Usually starting within your colon and traveling up your lower bowels. The real danger here. There is a protective valve that is responsible for only allowing substances to pass down from your digestive tract into your elimination tract. When this matter eventually reaches this valve, it will hinder it's performance, allowing this poisonous, fermenting matter up into your digestive system. Which will process it like it were a food and unfortunately assimilate it into pieces so small that they will enter your blood stream an! d cause some type of toxic poisoning.
But before this whole process begins, our body's have a sort of warning mechanism that will signal. The warning is usually, yes you guessed it, constipation. Something that we have all experienced at one time or another. Although constipation is always bad, getting constipated does not always mean that we are in danger of toxic poisoning. People who are constantly constipated or plagued with frequent spurts of constipation are the ones that this is aimed at.
Cleaning out the entire elimination tract and re-energizing the entire digestive tract once per week is recommended for everyone. This process will scrape away at the built up matter and eventually flush all of it out, allowing your entire system a chance to really function the way that it was meant to. The benefits that you can expect from this are many-fold, including: better sleeping patterns, stronger concentration and focus, much less stress, stronger muscle contractions, better absorption of nutrients into your muscles organs and bones, and much more energy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Best Results ALWAYS Occur 1 Step Past

I'm not sure about you guys, but getting to the gym is sometimes a pain in the butt, but we all have to do some things we don't want to do, right...: }
At the gym I was doing bicep exercises and my goal was
12 reps each set.
Each set I did, I tried to increase the weight and make it a bit tougher.
It got much tougher.
So much, that by the 8th rep, I wanted to 'throw in the towel'...but I didn't!!!
I wanted to stop so badly, but I didn't.
What I did instead was give just 5% more effort and I didn't stop at 12 reps, I went to 15.
You see, we need to be reminded that the MAGIC doesn't happen on the 1st mile, it happens when you go the EXTRA mile for yourself and for others.
Anybody who knows anything about weight training or dieting will tell you that you get most of your results from those last 2-3 reps you don't want to do, or from those last few weeks that you really don't want to diet.
But here's the catch.
Most people quit on themselves and their dreams, right when it gets tough.
Unfortunately, they then never get to taste the MAGIC that could have taken place for them. That same magic that could have transformed their body from ordinary to extraordinary.
And that TASTE is so sweet, it really is unfortunate that more people don't give themselves the gift of going the extra mile, so they too can enjoy living life in the body of their dreams.
(Shameless plug: Some of the best feedback I get from my 'Living Health - Weight Loss Audio Program', is that it shows you how to easily go that extra 5% and win.)
I've said it over and over again, but I'll repeat it here one more don't have to be 50% or 100% better then everyone else when you diet or exercise.
5% is it.
Yes, that's it.
Persist past your desire to stop dieting or exercising. Do a little bit more today.
Do one more rep.
Workout 15 minutes longer.
Drink one more glass of plain, fresh water.
Eat one more large bowel of salad (without a lot of dressing).
And encourage one more person to exercise with you.
Are YOU ready to give 5% more today?
I can't tell for sure, but I really feel that you are ready.
Am I right?
Make your move.
P.S. In the last 30 days, over 1,012 individuals have used my Living Health Audio Program to quickly and easily add that 5% - 500% extra motivation into your life. Would you like to be next?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Basic Cleanse To Enhance Your Health & Metabolism

Skipping this step will make the weight loss/fat loss process far harder, and it will create a destiny for you of achieving only temporary results.
There are 3 initial steps to take for your cleanse to be most effective:
1st...Decide how long you want your cleanse to last. I usually recommend to my personal clients that their cleanse last no less than 1 full day and no longer than 7-10 days. For example, if they have lived a life of eating fast food and little or no physical activity, then their cleanse should last closer to the 7-10 day mark. But if they have lived a healthy! life, eating lots of fresh raw vegetables, exercising regularly, and possibly even doing another type of cleanse every now and then...then you need only follow this cleanse 1 or 2 days in a row (but most of my clients - even those who come to me in excellent condition, usually choose to stay on the cleanse longer than just 1 - 2 days...the average is 3 - 5 days initially, then once a month thereafter they can do a mini cleanse lasting 1 - 2 days).
2nd...Decide what you're going to consume on the cleanse (this is a great time to get all the junk food cleaned out of your kitchen - give it away, throw it away, just get rid of it - but don't get rid of it by eating it yourself!!!). After you've cleaned out your kitchen, you should stock it with healthy foods, and the only healthy foods you'll be consuming on your cleanse are plain, fresh, clean water (preferably 'distilled' or 'purified' water), vegetable juices, and possibly some decaffeinated herbal tea (if you desire it).
The term "vegetable juice", when used here, refers ONLY to juices that you juice yourself. So get yourself a vegetable juicer and a wide variety of fresh, raw, preferably organic vegetables. Then 2 or 3 times per day juice enough vegetables to fill a glass and drink it down (some people, including diabetics, find it beneficial to water down their juice with 50% water - this simply dilutes the sugar found in some vegetables).
You should add a small pinch of cayenne pepper to a few of your drinks throughout the day - this strengthens your blood, increases circulation, improves the assimilation of nutrients from the vegetable juices into your body, and helps your bowels eliminate the built up waste from your system (which gets rid of any constipation).
3rd...Do some light cardiovascular exercise like walking or bike riding for 20 - 30 minutes each day of your cleanse. Avoid any heavy physical exertion if possible - your goal is to relax and let your system rebuild and repair itself during your cleanse. Finally, rent a funny movie and laugh (a lot). When you have a good laugh, your body secretes chemicals that aid in digestion and promote good metabolic health.
Review this or any other dietary or lifestyle changes with your physician first.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to Develop the Attitude

During a catalogue search at my local library, I came
across this title: "Fitness without Exercise - The
Scientifically Proven Strategy for Achieving Maximum Health
with Minimum Effort." This book by Bryant Stamford and
Porter Shimer really misses the point. After all, fitness
is more of an attitude than a destination.
I found another title for a book that is a better concept
and is one with which I completely agree. "Walking: the
Pleasure Exercise," a book by Mort Malkin. Actually,
during my research at the library, more than 20 per cent of
the items had *walking* in their titles when I used
*fitness* as the search-word. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Walking is naturally one of the best places to start
creating a Fitness Attitude. For one thing, it gets you
outdoors, and that's good for the fitness of your head! In
addition, it uses all the large muscles in your body, it's
low-impact, and it doesn't require any special equipment.
It is something you are already expert at doing, and your
body is perfectly designed for it. Hooray! You've got an
awesome place to begin on your way to having a Fitness
Attitude: Go for a walk every day.
Now, I'm going to make a confession. Even though I place a
high value on health and nutrition and fitness in general,
I sometimes have to really make an effort to get out the
door with my walking shoes on. Today, for example, it was
rainy and cold. I had a back-log of emails to answer, and
had eaten a heavy lunch. It would have been really easy to
make a very good case for staying indoors by the woodstove
with my computer screen glowing away.
At a time like this, momentum helps. I feel weird when I
have to miss my daily walk because over time it's become a
part of my life. It easier to walk consistently when you
make it a routine, or you have a ritual to help you get out
the door. A routine will also to carry you along. Decide
on a length of time for your walk, rather than setting a
distance. Then, go! Some routes will become your
standards, and then you won't have to plan - which is one
of the benefits of a routine. Used appropriately, routines
free your thoughts, so you can contemplate topics more
interesting than whether to make a right or left turn at
the corner.
Good for you, if you use a treadmill, gym, or other
walking strategy such as mall walks. Still, if you can
possibly make arrangements, spend at least some of your
walking time outside. Time in the open air is part of
fitness as an attitude.
Which brings up the question of food as it relates to the
attitude of fitness. Generally, when you are eating foods
that have a good natural basis, (like salads that aren't
drowning in some oily vinegar dressing, or a vegetable stir-
fry that isn't heavily glazed with high-sugar sauce), you
don't crave garbage non-foods like my personal favorite:
red licorice. Still, the packaging of 'snack foods' and
the ease and portability they afford in our frenetically
paced culture means that sometimes, you're going to eat
junk. Once you've established your Fitness Attitude,
though, processed 'foods' stop being a staple in your diet,
and that's a better fit.
As you put attention on fitness, your life will soon
include the pleasure of walking daily and a natural hunger
for whole foods that are nourishing to you. A Fitness
Attitude isn't complicated, and you'll feel better. You
simply will.